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Commemoration of the international day for support of torture victims

he Center for Civic Initiative – Prilep with press conference and Art colony for support of torture victims organized a commemoration of the International day for support of torture victims. Together with the partners from Serbia: IAN – Belgrade and the Center for human rights – Nish with who they work on implementation of the project “Holistic action against torture” supported from the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Serbia we held a press conference on which in front of the present media the accomplished results and also part of the future actions were presented. Present on the press conference were: Talija Petreska – lawyer and Kristina Pavloski – psychologist, both in the Center for support of torture victims, Jelena Loncarevik – Programme director – representative from IAN – Belgrade and Pavlina Mihelenko – Center for human rights – Nish. On the square at the Clock tower in Prilep this year we organized the first Art Colony which got the public attention from Prilep. Big number of citizens stopped to see and had a talk with the team from the CCI. They also supported the project and its actions. This is only the first action of the artists, in future there are going to be more art colonies on different locations with common exhibitions. Some of their art pieces will be part of other humanitarian exhibitions and some will be part of campaigns and etc. The Center for Civic Initiative thanks the artists: Slavco Pavloski, Aleksandar Dzingo, Darko Taleski, Pavlina Ilieska and the young Kaja Zdraveska for their unselfishness, the time and the support for the commemoration of this day. The Center for support of torture victims, functioning within the project “Holistic action against torture”, continues to meet with the torture victims providing free, legal, psychological and medical help.

{gallery}Commemoration of the international day for support of torture victims{/gallery}