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About the project

  The Center for Civic Initiative is implementing the project against Gender Based Violence in the municipalities of Prilep and Dolneni, financed by the Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of North Macedonia. CCI is going to work with the people in both municipalities on increasing the informativeness of the types of Gender Based Violence. The Women – victims are faced with the traditional attitude which is reflected with a closed circle of communication, especially about everything happening in their family. In order to enable comprehensive access to the target groups, the CCI is going to establish cooperation with the relevant institutions for a joint approach to the preventive measures and actions, but at the same time, direct support will be provided.

Target of the project

   The main goal of the project is, the women, minorities and marginalized groups in the municipalities of Prilep and Dolneni to have access to legal and psychological assistance for Gender Based Violence and re-socialization in the communities, fully informed about the existing systems for protection of the human rights. Center for free legal and psychological help to victims of Gender Based Violence and people who already served their sentence in prison will be functioning within the project. The CCI will improve the co-operation with the Multi-Sector Professional Team that works on Gender Based Violence, representatives from the probation services, local self-government and the Ministry for Labor and Social Politics. The project is going to encourage the children to use the technology creatively through making video materials for the prevention of Gender Based Violence.

Проектот ќе ги поттикне децата креативно да ја користат технологијата преку изработка на видео материјали за превенција од родово базирано насилство.


– Functioning of the Center for legal and psychological help

– Family meetings with the psychologist

– Informative meetings with citizens

– Co-operation with relative institutions

– Workshops for students – preparation of video materials for prevention