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Workshop for the program Human rights and democracy

Within the project for institutional support, funded by the program CIVICA Mobilitas, we are implementing a series of activities that contribute to strengthening the organization, and also contributed to increasing the influence in the local environment. Therefore on 30.08.2017 in the “Foundation for Support and Development” in Prilep a meeting was held where 26 representatives

Within the project for institutional support, funded by the program CIVICA Mobilitas, we are implementing a series of activities that contribute to strengthening the organization, and also contributed to increasing the influence in the local environment.

Therefore on 30.08.2017 in the “Foundation for Support and Development” in Prilep a meeting was held where 26 representatives of associations from Prilep, Dolneni, Krivogastani and Krusevo and also representatives from public institutions such as: Basic Court- Prilep, Police Station- Prilep, Elderly House “Kiro Krsteski- Platnik”- Prilep, Kindergartens “Our future”- Prilep, Inter-municipal Center for Social Work- Prilep, Health Center- Prilep, City Hospital “Borka Taleski’- Prilep and media, attended.

On this meeting was presented the program for Human rights and democracy, and also were presented the realized projects in this program for the past 20 years. Therefore a wide discussion was opened with a view to its revision and promotion.

This meeting brought concrete proposals to complement our program and opened a new opportunities for future joint activities and projects with public institutions and associations.













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