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As part of the project “Prevention of Risks for Environmental Sustainable Practices for Agro Producers – PRESPA,” funded by the European Union under the cross-border cooperation programme between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Albania, and implemented by the Center for Civic Initiative Prilep, the Municipality of Resen, the Organization for Destination Management from Korcha, and the Municipality of Devoll, a mobile application has been developed to present the quality of purified water from the treatment plants Ezerani and Zagradec.

The mobile application was promoted to the local population, agro producers, and representatives of local self-governments and communal enterprises. Attendees were informed about how to monitor the information on the application, how to download it to their phones, and how to check the daily water quality, which is measured by sensors installed in the plants. These sensor readings are not only essential indicators for public enterprises but also provide a transparent way for them to operate. Here’s what the sensors measure: RDO Sensor: Uses RDO technology, a method approved by the EPA for optical measurement of dissolved oxygen (DO). It provides accurate and stable measurements of DO; TROLL Temperature/Conductivity Sensor: Measures water temperature, actual and specific conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), resistance, and density; pH/ORP Sensor: ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) is a measurement, in millivolts, of the solution's capacity to transfer electrons (oxidation or reduction), and it measures the pH response of the water; Turbidity Sensor: Measures the amount of light scattered by suspended solids in the water. As the amount of total suspended solids (TSS) in the water increases, the water's turbidity (or cloudiness) also increases; Nitrate Sensor: A nitrate sensor is an ion-selective electrode (ISE) that measures the charged nitrate ions in the water; Ammonium Sensor: The ammonium water sensor is also an ion-selective electrode (ISE) that measures the charged ammonium ions in the water. Using complex calculations, the sensor can also measure the concentration of ammonia in the water.

The mobile application is available in both Macedonian and Albanian, and the data is updated every few hours.


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