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Final Conference

In the spirit of environmental protection, it was mentioned that the agrochemical laboratories and the soil analyzers were used, also information was shared that 295 analyzes have been made in this region, and this was already becoming a practice for the farmers. This allowed the farmers to…

To mark the results achieved within the project “Innovative practices in environmental protection phase II” in Resen, 6th of November, a Final Conference was held. Farmers from the regions Prespa and Korcha, representatives from the organizations who implemented the project and representatives from both municipalities, the Mayor of the municipality of Resen Mr Zivko Gosarevski and the Deputy Mayor of the municipality of Korcha, Mr Thanas Tona, were part of this conference. It’s important that the municipalities supported and had positive comments about the results achieved in their municipalities with this project. There was a panel discussion at the conference, about the effectiveness of the cross-border cooperation in environmental protection. The impression of improved cooperation and communication of the orchards was evident. One of the results for the improvement of the environment was the procurement of Agrometeorological stations and the established information system, ie. the messages received by the farmers. An important result that was stated here was that the apple producers now spray 9 times less than before the implementation of the information system. Meaning that the previous 23 sprayings are decreased to 14 sprayings annually. In the spirit of environmental protection, it was mentioned that the agrochemical laboratories and the soil analyzers were used, also information was shared that 295 analyzes have been made in this region, and this was already becoming a practice for the farmers. This allowed the farmers to determine what they need to feed the soil with, or what it lacked. The new way of feeding the soil that was promoted with this project – fertigation, was assessed as very practical, ie. by using this machine through the drip system, they were saving time and primarily they were protecting the environment because the feeding of the soil was being made only when and where needed, not the whole surface. Prespa and Korca agro producers, at the final conference also shared experiences about travelling around Europe. They shared a few examples of modern orchards visited in Slovakia and Hungary and the new information provided. At the panel discussion, the Prespa and Korcha agro producers concluded that their cooperation continues with the intention of increasing production, environmental protection and in the future to compete on the European market.



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