Форум во Софија на тема: Толеранција во Западен Балкан

A CCI representative took part in a forum in Sofia on the topic: Tolerance in the Western Balkans, that was part of the program of the Bulgarian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe which was also one of the speakers.

A CCI representative took part in a forum in Sofia on the topic: Tolerance in the Western Balkans, that was part of the program of the Bulgarian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe which was also one of the speakers.

The Bulgarian representatives in the European Parliament Mr. Asim Ademov and Mr. Andrei Kovachev initiated the event “The Tolerance of the Western Balkans: a Key to Europe”. The forum had the purpose to serve as a platform for dialogue between youth organizations, minority groups, civil society on one hand and Ministries of Cultural and Youth Affairs on other. The event is in line with the European Commission’s Western Balkan Strategy, that emphasizes t”he need to invest more in the younger generation in the future EU citizens and give them a perspective for the future, not for the past.”

Representatives from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro attended this meeting.

The CCI representative Ana Gabeloska, had her presentation in the section “NGO Perspectives”. In this sector another presentation had the Director of Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation, Aleksandar Krzalovski and Dardan Abazi from the Kosovo Institute for Policy Development. 




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