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Actions against Gender-based Violence in Roma and other Disadvantaged Communities phase II

Women, minority, primarily Roma victims of GBV and disadvantaged groups (ex-prisoners) in the municipality of Dolneni and Prilep are aware of the existing systems for protection and receive specialised services on the basis of their needs.

Timeframe: 20.01.2020 – 31.12.2020

Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany

Location of the project: Municipality of Dolneni and Prilep

Aim of the project:

Women, minority, primarily Roma victims of GBV and disadvantaged groups (ex-prisoners) in the municipality of Dolneni and Prilep are aware of the existing systems for protection and receive specialised services on the basis of their needs.

Planned measures:

1. Provision of legal and psychosocial assistance to families of Women, minority, Roma disadvantaged groups victims of gender-based violence and prisoners who have finished their sentence on the basis of their needs.

2. To activate the relevant stakeholders (business sector, local self-government, education institutions, the multi sector team, Center for social work) in supporting the victims of GBV and persons who finished their sentence for integration in the society.

3. To increase the awareness of the population of the gender-based violence and the existing services on disposal for the citizens.


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