Monitoring the Process of Preparation of the Annual Program for the Common Interests of the Ethnic Communities

In the period when the municipalities are planning the budget for the next calendar year, we are working on initiating the adoption of programs that apply to all ethnic communities in the municipalities. Within the project “Joint Forces, for Common Interests” funded by


In the period when the municipalities are planning the budget for the next calendar year, we are working on initiating the adoption of programs that apply to all ethnic communities in the municipalities. Within the project “Joint Forces, for Common Interests” funded by the European Union, that we are implementing in partnership with the COSV subsidiary Prilep- the lead applicant and the Association of Women’s Civil Initiative ANTIKO from Skopje, we are monitoring the adoption of these programs, of the municipalities involved in the project.

In this program are involved the following municipalities: Resen, Chashka, Kocani, Delchevo, Karpos and Tearce. In each of the municipalities, 4 civic meetings were organized – community forums guided by a delegated municipal body of the “Joint Forces for Common Interests” project and the mentor organizations that were selected in each of the municipalities. The CCI’s team followed and supported the process of preparation of the Annual Programs in the municipalities of Delchevo, Kocani, Caska and Resen. In these four municipalities the citizens showed big interest to participate in the creation of the programs, as well as interest from the municipalities to listen about citizen’s needs and problems and incorporating them in the creation of the new programs. In each of the municipalities were detected various problems and needs depending on the level of development and the needs of the local population.


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