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Alternative report training

The CCI team has attended a training in Krusevo for writing a shadow or alternative report to the United Nations Committee Against Torture(UNCAT),as a part of the…


              The CCI team has attended a training in Krusevo for writing a shadow or alternative report to the United Nations Committee Against Torture(UNCAT),as a part of the project “Holistic Action Against Torture” implemented by the CCI and the partners IAN from Belgrade and Center for Human Rights from Nis, financed by the programme “European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights” (EIDHR) within the European Commission.

            This training was held by Mr. Asger Kjaerum from Denmark from the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) who trough interactive presentation showed us everything that is supposed to be in this report, how to write the report and where to send it. Also, as part of this training there was a practical part which helped the attendants with public speaking and lobbying.


Besides the CCI team on this training there were other civil society organizations present.





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