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Partnership building seminar through strategic planning

The agenda of the seminar had several components: networking; analysis in order to list the mutual problems and how to solve them; setting mutual priorities; educational presentation about strategic planning; SWOT analysis; discovering mutual mission and goals; setting the basis and direction of a joint strategy…

  The agro-producers from the project “Innovative practices for environmental protection phase II” between the Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Albania, financed by the European Union, were part of a seminar for building partnerships through strategic planning.

The agenda of the seminar had several components: networking; analysis in order to list the mutual problems and how to solve them; setting mutual priorities; educational presentation about strategic planning; SWOT analysis; discovering mutual mission and goals; setting the basis and direction of a joint strategy.

The seminar began with a networking between the agro-producers from both countries. Considering that most of them have already met each other at other activities of the project, it was very easy to set an ambient for joint work and exchange of experiences and contacts. Through analysis, they listed the problems they are facing, which of them are mutual for both sides and how can they jointly solve them. This analysis helpedin the setting of the priorities they will need to focus on in the future. One of the most important parts of the seminar was a clear presentation for strategic planning. From this presentation, the agro-producers learnt what is a strategic planning, how can they create a strategic plan and how can they successfully implement it. After that, there was another example of analysis for comparison of the mutual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, commonly known as SWOT analysis. Also, with this analysis a mutual mission and goals were created, laying the basis and the direction of a strategy, that the agro-producing associations will jointly complete and implement.





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