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Round tables

Civil society organizations and the informal groups to improve the cooperation with the media from one side, and the media to receive credible and on time information from the other side was the goal of the round tables we organized within the project…

Civil society organizations and the informal groups to improve the cooperation with the media from one side, and the media to receive credible and on time information from the other side was the goal of the round tables we organized within the project “Empowering minorities and specific groups to promote participatory democracy at the community level”, financed by ifa/Zivik program Federal Foreign Office of Federal Republic of Germany. So far 5 (from the 10 planned) “round tables” have been implemented in Prilep, Veles, Stip, Krusevo and Dolneni where representatives from civil society organizations, local self-governments, public institutions like the Intermunicipal Center for Social Work, specific groups (women, first time voters, students), local journalists and local media have met.

What needs to be emphasized is the inclusion of local journalists and their presentation of the challenges they are meeting in the process of creation of credible media text and how they overcome those challenges. The journalists have also given advices to the attendees regarding the good communication with the media, successful addressing of the target groups and successful organization of media events.

At the meetings we had representatives from different media like local televisions, national television journalists,the editor of the only rural radio in the country, local radios and web sites.

We also concluded thatthe impression of the attendees about the speed and trust towards the media in all areas is the same. The fastest and most massive media they feel is the social network and web portals, and media that they trust the most are the newspapers.


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