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“In Our Hands” ECO Campaign

As a part of our project actions, we have set a high priority on awareness-raising, especially at the level of the youngest, our future, the children. This eco campaign was implemented with the help of elementary schools. The students were the ones to show the people of the Prespa and Korca regions that…

As a part of our project actions, we have set a high priority on awareness-raising, especially at the level of the youngest, our future, the children. This action is part of the project “Innovative practices in environmental protection phase II” financed by the European Union. The Eco Campaign was implemented with the help of elementary schools. The students were the ones to show the people of the Prespa and Korca regions that the environment is in our hands, that we have to eat healthy, that we have to keep our streets clean and select the waste, that we have to think about our future. “Eco tree of life”, “Select the waste”, “Healthy food zone”, “Materials can be re-used” and “The environment is from every one, no matter what language we speak”, were part of the actions of the students that were presented on the day of the final conference where many people had a chance to see them. This eco campaign has brought happiness, making friendships, education and awareness about the environmental protection among the children, the teachers and the adults from both countries.



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